Hayatec Automobile battery tester very easy to use and built with added security chip to ensure stable operation, Signal testing through low frequencies does not require an external charging.
Directly check if the car’s charging voltage is normal.
Detect the starting voltage of the car.
Detect the overload status of the car battery
The LED Lights Info:
Alternator state check:
Red: Fault
Green: Good
Green: Full
Battery state check: Yellow: Middle
Red: Low
Green: OK
Different Led to show Battery State :
Display 1: All Led lights off; Testing results: none Charging Voltage, Dead Battery
Display 2:”ON” led twinkling, other Led off; Testing results:4.6-11.2V Charging Voltage, Engine being hardly turned on, turn off all electrical equipment and charge battery immediately.
Display 3: “ON” Led ON,”LOW” Led twinkling; Testing results:11.2-11.6V Charging Voltage, Low charged Battery, being charged immediately.
Display 4:”Low” led on, “Middle” led twinkling; Testing results: 11.6-12.2V Charging Voltage, Middle charged Battery, better being charged sooner.
Display 5: “Middle” Led on; Testing results: 12.2V Charging Voltage, Middle charged Battery, better being charged.
Display 6: “Middle” Led on, “Full” Led twinkling; Testing results: 12.2-13.1V Charging Voltage, Middle charged Battery, better being charged.
Display 7: “Full” Led on, “Good” Led twinkling; Testing results: 13.1-14V Charging Voltage, Good battery, Full Charged
Display 8:”Good” Led on; Testing results: 14V Charging Voltage, Good battery, Full Charged.
Display 9:”Good” Led on, “Fault” Led twinkling; Testing results: 14-16V Charging Voltage, Battery may be damaged, Check the engine and tester.
Display 10:”Fault” Led on; Testing results: Above 16V Charging Voltage, fault Battery.
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